According to the reports from Indian Express, Reliance Jio will “offer a minimum of 100Mbps for the home broadband consumers, and the plans will likely be priced at affordable rates.”. Previously, Reliance has already confirmed its FTTH Plans during its year-end financial results statement. Well, Reliance will be testing this service in some cities before rolling out commercially. According to the reports from Gadgets Now, a source told TeleAnalysis “We are doing some trials in various cities and most trials are successful and ready for commercial rollout” The best part of Reliance FTTH service is the service will offer users a minimum of 100Mbps speed. The sources said “Our plans start from 100Mbps and it will be the most affordable home broadband service that Indian consumers will ever get” Well, it’s worth to add that telecom giant is also expected to bring other security solutions in the form of ‘packages’ for users. The security solutions will allow users to control smart devices with the help of their smartphones. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.


Reliance Jio  Fibre To The Home  Service Will Offer Minimum 100Mbps Speed - 6Reliance Jio  Fibre To The Home  Service Will Offer Minimum 100Mbps Speed - 76Reliance Jio  Fibre To The Home  Service Will Offer Minimum 100Mbps Speed - 46